Problem when copying tree

Hi all

I have a small problem when I want to copy my trees via SW EPDM. 

Ex: I want to copy a scale (an assembly including parts) to recreate a similar range but a smaller size. So I open the "copy tree" command, I modify my paths, my names, etc., I launch AND once copied, I realize that the copied files have kept the revision number of my range which served as a "template. I would like to start again at "Zero" with this new range. Is it possible and if so what is the handling please.

I hope I am clear. Unfortunately I can't share any visuals, etc

Thank you in advance.


to solve this problem it is in your PDM feed that you have to make a rule that deletes the indexes to the archiving of the files

otherwise in the transition to a change of state that avoids making a dispatch for that 


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With us, the parameters of the copy tree are managed at the level of each user: reset of everything related to revisions in case of copying.

Attention 1 on EPDM 2015: it's a mess because a user copy does not copy the reset settings of the copy tree. You have to redo everything by hand. (it's not good but we ended up making a copy of the parameters in the SQL database to make sure we didn't forget anything. If you do this, you have to re-edit the user via EPDM after copying it into SQL so that EPDM handles the copied parameters well (if you don't re-edit the user, the parameters are not taken into account).

Attention 2 on EPDM 2015: it's the battle between groups and users on these copy tree settings: in the end we manage this at the user level because the management at the group level must surely be a problem. Above all, don't manage this reset in both places otherwise it's hell...

Good luck


in pictures for the feed

I forced the value to "-" which thus does not hinder the rise in index
