Problem or not to enter names with accents or special characters?


I searched but found nothing on this specific subject.

Are there any problems entering names with accents or special characters (é, è, ê, à, ç, ') in the SolidWorks variables in the data map and linked to SmartProperties? I'm thinking of the search or other links that might be wrong.

In my predeceased box, it had been defined to write everything in capital letters without accentuation and this is what has been more or less set up in my current society and one wonders if we would not go back to lowercase for the sake of better reading of the plan cartridges.

This does not apply to the names of the files themselves.

Thank you in advance for your remarks,



Normally there is no problem but it is not necessarily recommended for variables, moreover it can generate problems depending on the configuration of current or future PCs (FR / EN). Personally I advise against it.

Kind regards


I'm talking about variables but they are "text" variables like the name of the file, the name of the study, the modification label.

In theory today there is no longer a problem but before between 2 versions of a software, it happened that é or Ø or others, became Chinese signs. That's why in my company we put everything in capital letters. But that was 10 years ago. Today I don't think there is a problem.

Kind regards


If it's not the names of the variables but only the text value they contain, then this is not a problem,  it's the way we have been working for 5 years in my company.


As d.Roger said, if it's the value, not (anymore) too much risk.
For the name (of variable, file), I completely advise against it: just a pass through a file compressor (more or less hidden, like wetransfer, googledrive) is enough to make a mess.


On sw17, I always have the pb when there are values with accents.

e.g. instead of the é -> I get a ? in a diamond.

But depending on the station, this does not happen.

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Oops, I reviewed all the variables and accentuated the names of some...!

Ah, it's true that this diamond also speaks to me with "?", I had the memory problem in the research function of the EPDM (since reviewed) where it was displayed because the families had entered in lowercase.


Of course, you have to use fonts that exist as standard in Windows!!

Kind regards



I have this problem of accented characters not accepted in smartpreoperties 2019.

I tried with several fonts in my text file but the problem persists.

My text file:

The result in the Smartproperties drop-down menu:



Hello yve

"I have this problem of accented characters not accepted in smartpreoperties 2019. "

I think this point can be solved simply by changing the encoding type of the txt file.

Save as... and to the left of the "save" button is a drop-down list; I assume it's in ANSI type, select the UTF-8 type, and save.

Check the result in Smartproperties.

PS: Don't hesitate to save the file under a different name, delete the original and then rename it with the original name, because sometimes it doesn't validate the encoding change (at least it has already happened to me). Or even to recreate it from a blank file (new txt file).

Kind regards