Problem moving a part

Hi all

I have an assembly with several parts. There are pieces that are not totally constrained. Logically I should move them with my mouse according to the degrees of unconstrained freedom.

There I can't do anything. The room has not moved, and has been since yesterday..... I think it's a configuration problem, but I can't find what.

Thank you in advance to all.




It all depends on how you made your assembly! In fact it depends on whether you have sub-assemblies or not

If your unstressed parts are in a sub-assembly, they cannot move. To make them mobile, you need to declare your sub-assemblies as "Flexible".   (look at the attached image)

Kind regards

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It's not an assembly within an assembly.......... It is indeed a part in an assembly.


Hello Michel

Which version of SW do you have?


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SW 2018 SP5.0

Can you post your ASM with the Pack and GO function in a ZIP

I'll look at it and tell you what's wrong (if I find it ;-) hihihi)

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You have to look at the existing constraints of these parts

and see if it is not fixed


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Well done @gt22 ! because indeed it depends on how Michel inserted these pieces into the ASM.

Free our comrades ;-)

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First of all, I think that a View of the feature manager will help

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Yes, that's the simplest thing!

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I found the problem ..........

In my assembly and among my many pcs, I have another assembly that I had put in flexible. When I remove this flexibility, it unblocks the displacement of the pcs and when I put the assembly back in flexible it blocks the displacement of my pcs....... bizzar bizzar

Thank you anyway Zozo_mp


Hello Michel

I don't know if you'll read this post but you should know that the flexible function that I use a lot in large complex ASMs is a very capricious function.

It causes false errors on the constraints (typically Axis and contacts on slide constraints). The only way to restore without touching the constraint and to make a flip flop which consists of going back to rigid and then back to flexible (or the opposite).

And then, miraculously, everything went back to normal.

It's a very practical function but one that I find quite crappy for years (feeling shared by colleagues on another forum).

And this has improved with the 2019 version which better handles large ASMs (they have rewritten part of the code to make better use of the graphics memory).

Kind regards

PS: you can close the subject if you wish by choosing the answer that suits you (not yours ;-)  )


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