PDM card search problem

Hello to you dear colleagues,

Today, I wanted to improve my boards in solidworks PDM. 

I decided to add my part number in the parts map. Everything went well and I managed to do what I wanted.

The link between the reference on the map and the custom property of my room is well functional. 

Nevertheless, I run into a problem. If I search on the reference, PDM can't find the file. The search works on all other parameters (Material, Weight, Customer, etc.). (See pj)

Do you have any idea what I could have done wrong?





What does the input field point to? In the search map (in the map editor) this field must be linked to the variable where the reference is stored.

Edit: and isn't it the "Folded part" checkbox that is activated that is the problem? (multi search criteria)

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The input field is indeed linked to a variable and the problem is not with the checkbox because the search works fine if I do it on other parameters.

Attached are the map editor, variable, custom properties, and search issue.



I tested with a similar setting, no problem. I'm drying for the time being, see with the support I think

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I made a discovery.

It turns out that if I create a new part and save it, my reference is not taken into account for the search. (Even if it is present in the map). On the other hand, if I archive my part, then it works perfectly.

A priori I should therefore archive the part at least once so that we can search for my custom settings.

I tested, if I archive at least once, it works even if I extract the part afterwards.

Since my reference comes from SmartProperties, I would have to find a way to automatically archive and extract it after the creation of the reference. Let's see if it's possible with a macro or with any kind of setting.

Nevertheless, a good part of the mystery is solved.

Thank you @Cyril.f for the time you took to try to help me:)



To archive automatically, you can try with the Dispatch add-in if you have it. 

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I think the problem lies elsewhere (maybe related to smartproperties that I don't use) because for my part if I create a new file in which I fill in directly in the custom properties without archiving the file or at any time using the maps, the search finds me the file based on this criterion.

As for dispatch, the only problem is that you have to be outside Solidworks for it to work (purely safe operation). If the file is opened in SW it will generate an error to my knowledge.

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I don't have this problem, even if I create a file without ever archiving it or using data maps (filling in a reference property directly in the file's custom properties), the search on this criterion does return a result. Maybe it's related to SmartProperties which I don't use.

Concerning Dispatch, to be tested but unless I am mistaken, if the file is opened in SW there will be an error message and the action will not be done (Dispatch is a complement to the vault not linked to SW)


I don't have this problem, even if I create a file without ever archiving it or using data maps (filling in a reference property directly in the file's custom properties), the search on this criterion does return a result. Maybe it's related to SmartProperties which I don't use.

Concerning Dispatch, to be tested but unless I am mistaken, if the file is opened in SW there will be an error message and the action will not be done (Dispatch is a complement to the vault not linked to SW)


I don't have this problem, even if I create a file without ever archiving it or using data maps (filling in a reference property directly in the file's custom properties), the search on this criterion does return a result. Maybe it's related to SmartProperties which I don't use.

Concerning Dispatch, to be tested but unless I am mistaken, if the file is opened in SW there will be an error message and the action will not be done (Dispatch is a complement to the vault not linked to SW)


I don't have this problem, even if I create a file without ever archiving it or using data maps (filling in a reference property directly in the file's custom properties), the search on this criterion does return a result. Maybe it's related to SmartProperties which I don't use.

Concerning Dispatch, to be tested but unless I am mistaken, if the file is opened in SW there will be an error message and the action will not be done (Dispatch is a complement to the vault not linked to SW)

Sorry for the multiple answers. Big bug on Monday, the page didn't update.

If an admin could delete my identical answers, it would be nice.

This behavior is normal because until the part is archived, the data does not go back to the SQL database.

On the other hand, if you copy a part, epdm fills its sql fields with the already existing data since it adds the file to the vault during the copy operation (and therefore to its SQL database).

A little advice though: never put the same properties in the properties related to the file and in those related to the configurations: it quickly becomes a mess with different values between the different places (it can also cause problems for searches).


Ideally, you should have:

-what is really related to the solidworks file -> in the file property

-what can change according to the configurations (mass, material, name or reference....) -> the properties of the configurations


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