Problem Relationship Sketch and Geometry of Another Part

Hello everyone, recently switched to SW 2020, I am having a problem

When I'm in an assembly, I create a new part and when creating the sketch, it's impossible for me to put relationships between my sketch and an already existing part in the assembly (except under my old SW 2014 mammoth, I was working like that and without any pb) 

Is it a parameter that I set incorrectly...? I thank you in advance for your help because it is impossible for me to work...

(I'm attaching a screenshot to illustrate my words if it helps... )


Hello Annakin

Normally you just have to select the two edges and put the constraint that goes well.

However, what I noticed is that it works very well between edges from sketches but less well on edges from extrusion. In this case, simply select the edge and have the entity converted so that the edge is projected correctly (and every time) on the current sketch. All that remains is to transform the line into "for construction" and to put the constraint that suits well to fix the new sketch in progress.

Kind regards

Thank you for your answer, indeed that's what I was doing on SW 2014 (select the stops and put the constraint..) and it worked every time... There for the time being, he doesn't want to know anything, no matter what type of edge is selected.

Thanks for the technique, it helps out well but it's still "DIY" and it wastes a considerable amount of time if you have to convert each sketch of an assembly of a hundred parts... Laughing out loud

Am I the only one to whom this happens...?


I don't know how to answer your question because I never make a part directly in an assembly.

Top-down or botom up design, that's the question, but it's an individual choice or a company-imposed choice.

That said, you only need to project two edges for a part designed directly into the asm. Not very long, especially if you spend several hours or days on a room.  ;-)

I always make the parts separately and I integrate them into the asm and then the fixed ones in the classic way. It must be said that I make big assemblies and that SW doesn't really like iterative modifications directly in the ASM.

The option you have is to make your constraints only from the plans. The American plans are interesting from this point of view. Because it starts from a line or a plane and sides everything by stacking. They do not work from a reference surface as we see on European plans.
The US method is good for the draughtsman and the dimension chains, but in the workshop you have to be fortunate in mental arithmetic because you spend your time recalculating the missing dimensions, especially with regard to the edges. The US method is better for NC fabs since we start from the zero point in all dimensions.

Personally, I make sub-asm and shares that I integrate into the ASM master.
It must be said that I am very impressed by the production and manufacturing techniques where we always start from separate parts that we assemble.

Let's wait and see what colleagues say ;-)  ;-)

Kind regards


I'm not going to move the smilblic forward

but it is not advisable to work on SW with an sp 0

According to specialists, wait for the SP 3 version

and just like @ Zozo I work but also with independent entities


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Thank you for your answers, indeed I will wait to see if other colleagues have an idea... In the meantime I may review my working method and work with parts separately... I see that there are a lot of you working like that, it's that somewhere it must have advantages.. Laughing out loud 


By any chance, have you checked that the "Allow the creation of external references" parameter is checked (See attached screenshot)



Thank you acombier, 

You solved my problem! Thank you very much 

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