Problem shaded thread representations


I'm having a problem with shaded thread representations. When I apply a material to the part and then add a representation of blind thread, it propagates a black appearance all the way down the part. How can this be avoided? 

Thank you for your help.



Hello, look there:

- For a shaded view of thread representations, click Options Tool_Options_Standard.gif. On the Document Properties tab, select Skin. Under Show Filter, select Shaded Thread Representations.

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Oops!, would say a bug


This must come from the material assigned to the part. Here is an additional explanation.

Have a nice day



In my opinion, this phenomenon is related to the number of Bug 1164250: 

Graphics - Color, Appearances: Model with material showing different color when cosmetic thread are shown or unsuppressed.

(A part with a material changes color when the thread representations are shown or active). 

It is marked Resolute under 2022 b1.

Have a nice day 


 Hello Théo Cuadrado,

Where can we find this information that you present to us on bugs (bug 1164250 .....)? It seems very interesting, SolidWorks drags a lot of it year after year without it moving the developers much. Knowing more could save time.

Thank you and have a good day

Pierre Mihailovic



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On your MySolidworks (Customer Portal) account (, you have the possibility to access the KB "Knowledge Base" which is a database of Bugs created by Dassault thanks to the various beta users and Technical Support reporting problems reproducible under a certain version of SOLIDWORKS, and be fooled year after year indeed by new Bugs come out but many are resolved, some that you may not encounter, 


Good night

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 Hello theo.cuadrado,

Indeed you have found the bug at the origin of my problem!

Thank you.

Have a nice day.
