In a drawing, when I insert a part or an assembly, the default display style is "draft quality", if I forget to switch to "high quality", when printing I end up with large strokes and the plan becomes illegible.
Do you know how I can make the display style "high quality" by default?
I did some tests, and these are the only parameters that influence (on my job) apart from the very large assembly (about 10,000 components) that solidworks switches to draft quality.
(but I may have been wrong, maybe there are other parameters).
I want to clarify, the changes take effect when the views are inserted and do not change the style of the already presented views.
Unless I'm mistaken, and if I have a good memory, in addition to these parameters, you have to play with the models.
If I remember correctly, when creating ours, I had to insert a view from a file to be able to set it to high quality and then delete that view and save the model.
To keep the settings, you have to open a solidworks part assembly or drawing file, modify the display parameters (tool, option, performance, go to image quality) or other and save the file as a template;
Part Templates (*.prtdot)
Assembly Templates (*.asmdot)
Drawing templates (*.drwdot)
In the "template" directory of solidworks or any other directory you have set as the location of the sw templates