Problem with solidworks 2014 conversion


we have problems on some SLD 2013 assemblies that we tried to open in Solidworks 2014: it is possible to open the assembly but it no longer responds in the window and as soon as we want to delete something (parts, sketch, ...) Solidworks crashes

After opening and saving all parts and sub-assembly of this assembly, the problem persists

It is possible to delete configurations, sketches, to put certain components in a deleted state, to save but systematically when opening the window is frozen while the component seems to be able to be moved (visu of edges when passing the cursor)

We recovered an old backup of the assembly but the result is the same - it was working in 2013

Does anyone have the same problem?

Good evening

What is the Service Pack?


Hello We have just done the installation in SP 2

I have not currently encountered this problem, would you be able to send us a small set that has this problem?

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This kind of "bug" I have already encountered and on almost all versions.

There are 3 tests to do (if you are on windows 7)


Without any documents open in Tools/Options, you must check the Emulate OpenGl functions option.


It is also possible to test in the same place to check the option "No preview when opened". On the other hand, it is possible that instead of having the display of the part or assembly, we are a gray display.


Then in windows 7 you have to go to the device manager and disable the graphics card (windows 7 goes to a basic display without any hardware acceleration)


If one of these tests is conclusive, then it is a problem with the graphics card, a problem that can be solved in (I think) 95% of cases by changing drivers.


Then in the remaining 5%, either it's the graphics card that fails or is too old... Another case, the graph data is corrupted... and there only SolidWorks can correct the problem...


Have a nice day




For privacy reasons I do not wish to send a template.

I did some tests starting from the 2013 assembly and processing it on a workstation disconnected from the network so with impossibility of access to parts and sub-assemblies and the result is the same.

We opened the assembly in SLD 2013, deleted the configurations, sketches, equations, display states and then opened the vehicle under 2014 without access to the network (no pices access) and the problem remains the same...


the update of the driver by the last one certified by SolidWoks didn't help anything and the OpenGL activation and "no preview on opening" either

So I think 2014 damaged the assembly for me

The strangest thing is that if assembly A is included in another assembly B, it is possible to open B, edit A and save A, but as soon as you want to open A, SolidWorks closes

so I'm going to turn to the Hot Line

Thank you anyway, and good luck to those who will have the problem...