Problem on mep cut: SW closure

Hi all

I have a recurrent PB on my MEPs, when I want to make a simple cut of the tank (see P.J) the software takes me out and closes.

Projected views work correctly.


Please let me know if you have a solution to this very painful problem.



If there is a possibility, does the same problem occur on another workstation?

Otherwise you can try to reset the SolidWorks settings to see if the configuration of the workstation is a problem:

And the graphics drivers are up to date? To check it:

And what version of SolidWorks is it? Is the latest SP (minor update) installed?

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Have you tried to do a new drawing, throw in the 3D and make this cut.

It will allow you to know if it comes more from the 3D or the drawing.

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So in order:

* a problem persists on another workstation

* graphics drivers are up to date


I'm going to try a new blank mep, because I got it from a colleague and he may have had problems.


I'll keep you posted.

edit: no nothing to do, even on a blank mep I reintroduce my bottle in front view (ok) then as soon as I make the cut through the center: bug and bye bye SW

It's happened to me before.


Try making a take-home composition to see if the problem persists.

If you make a cut in 3D, can you validate it or does SW tell you that the cut is not possible?

Is your 3D entirely native to SolidWorks or do you have imported parts?

Moreover, is it a part or an assembly?


in addition to the above information

See this tutorial among others

Create local cuts and adjust the depth of cut

which will allow you to understand how this tool works

@+ ;-))



I just made a take-away composition of my blend that I reintroduced in a new mep and I have the same pb.

Maybe you wanted me to make a composition to take away from the mep?

Are there surfaces on your part?

Is everything fine in volume so with a thickness, a mass?

@+ ;-))




yes the beginning of the cut works I even see it on the screen, it's only when I validate the cut that SW takes me out


On the other hand, yes, there are imported parts (it's an assembly)

By the way, nice tank!

Yes, do a whole comp with mep

See if you don't have a function in your rooms in error, it can play a role.

Thank you Aurélien,


it would look better if I could make cuts on it!!!

And try to make a cut that doesn't go through the center? Does it work?

You can also try to repair the installation of SolidWorks from the control panel > programs

Yes Frédéric, it works if the cut doesn't go to the center...


How do you make it work at the centre?

If you shift the cutting axis, it also throws you away or it passes (try it at the extremes).

Does the cut go through one of these imported elements? If so, go see them and make sure they are clean. Make an import diagnosis on these parts (as long as you have not made any 3D changes to this file). Faces/surfaces can have errors even without an alert message.

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As the cut works by shifting, make import diagnostics on the imported parts affected by the cut.


Otherwise, a solution that might get around the problem, make a staggered cut of 0.1mm!


I'm trying all of this,

Thank you

I'll keep you posted

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