Problem with the direction of a tap



When I want to do a tap with the function, it's represented in the wrong direction (outside of matter).

Who has ever had this problem?


You must not have been on the right side of the plan

Redo a plan and a sketch on the plan in the right direction



Seeing the mottling in the bore, I have the impression that there are several bodies superimposed. If this is the case, try to remove (with the body removal function) the "useless" bodies, the time to do the piercing function.

It happens to me when I redefine the sketch plan but simply by editing the function it finds its little ones.


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Hi  amby the grower, you just have to go back to the "TYPE" tab and in "End condition" press the box with the 2 arrows, it will reverse the direction of your tapping.
If it doesn't work either, use the gt22 solution directly.
Good luck to you;)



reversing the normal of the plan would be faster.

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Thank you for all your advice, in fact, it is the end condition that must be reversed!

Thank you;)