Problem on the EQUATION tutorial - SolidWorks

I'm trying to do the SolidWorks tutorial on Equations and I have the same problem every time:

When we have to enter the conditional equation

Chamfer1=if("Diamètre d'arbre de broche" <1mm, "supprimé","suppression annulée")

This is transformed as in the image where the first part of the text stops after the "tree" appostrophe. (image 

Does anyone know why?

NB: For "canceled" you have to put "Suppressed" and for "deleted canceled" -> "Unppressed"

Hello, you can't change your "tree" to "tree" to solve the problem?

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And if you put D1 it doesn't work

since as I see it via your extrusion the sketch is called D1



Hello, do you put an apostrophe and not quotation marks? But yes, it may be safer not to put an apostrophe in the names of functions...

Let's say that the objective remains to understand why SolidWorks reacts like this. Is the appostrophe not allowed for this type of writing? However, it's in their tutorial and you can write it as a global variable and in equations.

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New for 2014: apostrophes are used in the equations of the part families:

In a family of parts, the equations must be preceded by a single apostrophe and an equal sign ('=).


So probably reserved for this one and the tutorial must be dated before 2014.


Have you watched this tutorial

@+ ;-))

this one also introduction of equation SW 2014

which I find very nice

@+ ;-))

Thank you all,

I think .PL has the right answer.

As soon as I don't put an apostrophe, it works; As soon as I put one on, it's not good.