Problem with a smoothed boss/base


I'm drawing an airplane and 2 couples are causing me problems, I've done a lot of modifications and tests and nothing to do, I can't do it, the part is like crooked.

I attach the screenshot


here is the SW2013 file



Hello @diiity,

SolidWorks is unable to identify which points must be matched to join the two sketches.
All you have to do is indicate this using guide curves.
For example, in the form of segments within a 3D sketch.
If you do not have the 2013 version, one image must be sufficient (as an attachment to the original scale).

In green and blue your "profile" sketches.
In orange, the 3D sketch containing the segments that make up the guide curves, which must be selected one by one using the Selection Manager.
Guide curves can be of a nature other than segments: arcs of circles, 2D or 3D splines or other curves...



Wow, great, I've been on it for more than 2 hours.

You're a leader.

Otherwise, have you seen my message about DXF?

Thank you
