Surface problem


I need help because I don't know how to do surface.

In the attached picture and model I managed to make the piece but I don't know how to finish the shape.

The end (beveled) should be just a line or something with a maximum thickness of 1mm.

Help would be welcome  :-)     SW 2019 SP5

Kind regards



Hi @Zozo_mp 

it's very good your file

but I personally can't see the problem since staying in 2017

so at least one image

or parasolid


In your place I would create the border surfaces above and below. Then create a sewn surface that makes the exterior of your piece. Then you can create volume by thickening your case.

Otherwise you have the molding and body management tools that allow you to make imprints / volume subtraction.

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Here is the image

(I can no longer attach an image directly to the post ????

@ gt22 I'm preparing the parasolid for you.

@froussel Thank you ;-)  Alas, I don't understand what you're saying ;-) because I have never done a border surface. The same goes for sewing.
In addition, I've never made a mold as I would say @stefbeno I stack aluminum or metal blocks.

Kind regards



here is the file Thank you in advance ;-)

Kind regards


Hello Zozo,

Here's a first draft, I've created a shot at the tip of your wing salmon.

Then I use the filled surface function.

I agree with Froussel's approach.

To see with the constraints that will be useful for your mock-up project.

Have a good day, thank you for all your answers during my research.


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Hello Zozo, 

I really don't know the surface under SW but as I know the one from catia I'll try to help you. So the methodology I use under SW is going to be risky.... first because under catia I always use the extraction function and I have never found the equivalent in SW... brief 

I think that if the guide curve arrives on the same side it's simpler, because in this case you can use the small radius to make the end. 


I used this solution, once the radius was made I was able to create boundary surfaces for the lower and upper surfaces. 

I'll leave you the file, there are certainly nicer constructions but it doesn't work too badly


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Hi @Zozo_mp 

it doesn't seem very fluid to me your story (sorry)

good via the attached image and your comments

On your flat sketch where your spline is there are dots 

I suggest you create x splines with these points as a starting point that you will fix on the part of your top wing, it's up to you to see where the best arrival points are

same for the inf part

Personally I'll take the previous section since I find the shape a bit weird 

it's + jobs but for the visual and no photo

In addition, via these splines you can easily manage the curves 

if necessary to optimize create perpendicular splines

then just fill the surfaces in 1 or X parts

And sew them

Here it is in a first draft



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Hello @Zozo_mp,

I also stack aluminum or metal blocks but to play a little here is what I tinkered with from your file. There will surely be better... I can't thicken the surfaces by more than 0.01mm otherwise "calculation error".

I'm attaching a zip file including the 3D in SW2019 version, in parasolid and in step, it will give the final shape for @gt22 which will probably DIY something much better for you...

Kind regards

Wow! gegen!

Thank you , colleagues, colleagues  and friends.

I'm looking at the different proposals and I'll keep you informed :-)  

Kind regards

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Good evening@tous

@spectrum Thank you, I understood the principle which is quite simple, I didn't think we could connect things like that ; -)

@gbadia Thank you it looks like what I want but I couldn't open your file which seems to be in Version 2020 ;-)

@gt22 thank you ;-) but I didn't understand ""if necessary to optimize create perpendicular splines"" If I understood correctly I have to do for the intrado N splines to have the best aesthetic shape once the first face is done I proceed the same way for the extrado. This will avoid the spatula effect. But I have to say that for parallel splines I've never done I will try ;-)

@d.roger Thank you for the 2019 version, it allowed me to understand the seamless handling of the surface. It's like you indicate  @spectrum and @gbadia but with the file in front of you it's great.

THANK YOUiiiiiii I keep you up to the perfume, the juice and the news ;-)

Kind regards




Oops I read your message a little too quickly, I had seen 2020 for your version, and exact my file is 2020.

I'm dropping you a step and igs file of my model.

Sorry but I didn't really understand what you want to do in the end with this file....  

If you had to go further, you should also try to keep a continuity in tangency between the different surfaces you assemble. In smoothing surface 3 one (or more) guide curve may be needed. 

On the other hand I don't understand why SW created this surface like this, I didn't manage to correct it.


oops the files!!


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And the stp

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A very big thank you to all for your help. ;-)   ;-)

Obviously with the difficulty of choosing the right answer since they all revolved around the same principle.

You will see very soon why the salmon had a very curious and unorthodox shape.

Sincerely and friendly.



I'm hesitating between:


with a small preference for the second link :-)

All we have to do is wait to find out...

Kind regards

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