Problem seen in section

Hi all

I have a problem with making a cross-sectional view in an assembly.

I get this error message:

How to solve the problem?

Thank you for your help;)

Have a nice day

Your crop mark does not go through the entire model.


You have to edit the cut (the sketch) so that the line goes from one end of the part to the other.



It is typically a cut-line problem passing through the tangiance of a cylinder.

See my image, a cut that is tangent to the cylinder gives me this kind of message (not the same because of a difference in version for example).

Try shifting your line by a 0.1mm, and it should solve your problem.

Another explanation if you are on an older version of SW is that your line is not completely across the view, it stops in the middle. In this case, stretch the crop mark so that it crosses the entire view.


I don't understand,

I'm in 3D, I don't need a cut line? (as in the drawings)

I may be wrong...

Thank you in any case for your help



Benoit's answer is also valid for 3D, instead of it being a cutting line, it is the cutting plane that is tangent to a circle or a cyindre.


Edit: the solution is to shift the cutting plane a little.

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I just found the solution...

I had unchecked: selection graphics only

Sorry I discover a lot of features

But then I had a hard time finding ...

Thank you anyway

Have a nice day

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Damn I still have a problem ...

And yet I go through my room well...

I don't understand, with other parts it works well


So, I refer you to my first answer (exactly the same message)! :)

Your cutting plane must be tangeant to a cylinder. Shift it by 0.01mm and it should work again (unless you become tangential to another cylinder!).

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If you don't know the "trunk base" of your cup, does it work?