Leave problems


I have a problem with leave, I can't understand how this tool works in practice. It works by selecting certain edges and when I select new ones by following the tangent it doesn't work anymore. However, the form does not seem so complex.

What is the purpose of the offset option?

Thank you in advance for your enlightened answers.

I am attaching the photo of the holidays I want to make as well as the sdlrp file




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Passes via surface fillet



First of all, it is important to know that it is better to avoid mixing convex roundings on edges and the  parts that will generate concave rays (your three blue edges).

If you had everything to radiate, you could have selected the faces, but you have an edge that is not radiated.

Don't hesitate to do two or three actions instead of just one, it's often a good practice. The radii and chamfers are, depending on the complexity of the piece, a little capricious.

Which version of SW do you have because the 2019 has had some very useful improvements.

Kind regards

Small remark: To post your images, please do not go through an external server. Attach the images with the function provided and by selecting the file directly from your computer. It's the equivalent of a cut and paste but there's no longer a link with your computer.





Your file has a lot of small edges that follow each other without being tangent and without any noticeable difference in angle (less than 1°), it doesn't help to make leave


Thank you

@pierre S: I noticed that too. Can I correct/remove the edges or simplify the geometry? I try to remove the faces in direct edition and redo the surfaces, but they are still there. They are impervious to this function, hence the name "remove faces" ;-).

I can't use the edge repair function, or was it simply not suitable for my situation.


You should clean up your basic sketch, because the small segment pieces are present from this step.



@pierre S: I did that but it didn't solve my problem. I separated all the surfaces and tried to take part by part. Despite everything, there are simple parts at right angles such as cube volume that did not pass. I have the impression that the direction of the normals really impacts the result. I'll try to do it again by paying attention to the alignment of the normals of the surfaces. But indeed my concave convex leave may be problematic.

By the way, I use the offset surface function to see the right direction of the normals, can we display them directly in the 3D view?



to check the good continuity of the edges there is the tool "Deviation analysis", 0° = tangent continuity or better

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Thank you for your answers.

I finally managed to get out of it by reworking my topology as suggested by Pierre_S and separating in surface part by part but I still have trouble understanding the subtleties. I finally switched to rhô leave mode but I'm limited on the size because of my too tight angle in Y and Z. Despite all that, I'm fine with it and I'll deal with it.