Problems with drilling

Hi all!

I have a big problem with a plan.

It is a drilled part for hydraulic distribution.

I have a hole, created with the assistant, which crosses several functions of revolution.

It is a bladed blind hole, fully dimensioned (End condition: One-eyed).

This piercing is then repeated a first time in a linear fashion, then a second time in a circular.

But when I go to drawing, SW correctly rates me the drilling depths if I select the source drilling.

But I don't have the quantity.

And if I rate one of the repetitions, SW rates the drilling in ''''UNTIL THE NEXT ONE'', still without quantity.

And if I work with a drilling chart, SW rates the "source" drilling correctly but again the repeated drillings badly.

My working method has not changed, about 50 rooms like that without any problems.

Why on this part the drawing doesn't work properly?

Thank you in advance for your help!




No worries under SW 2017, it counts all occurrences by going through the insert menu -> object of the model -> symbol for drilling

If it doesn't work this way, it may be a problem with the drill insertion driver file

This file is called calloutformat and is located in the installation folder





I imagine that you have held and restarted your machine.
Circular repeat only repeats the first hole or linear repeat?
Have you tried to make a trial piece by putting only the repetitions (first only the linear then and/or the circular)? and then the possible other functions that interfere with the piercings?


I don't have any problems with the rating of the ''original'' drilling.

SW gives me the correct rating.

It's with repeated piercings that it doesn't work anymore.

Below is a view of the plan of my room:

You can see the rep AA1 drilling, the "original" drilling, marked correctly.

And the F6 rep piercing, resulting from a circular repetition of the original, badly rated.

And also the F9 rep drilling, resulting from a linear repetition of the original, badly rated.

For information, I'm on SW 2018 SP5.0

My PC is freshly restarted for the above screenshot.

Below is a test part, where the result is OK.

The way of building is identical to my room which is causing problems.


Thank you!


Other tests: On the problem part, if you make another hole and repeat it:
- identical drilling
- Different drilling
Does the problem persist?

You indicate that your holes intersect with other functions, does the order of the functions in the tree have an influence?

Basically, I see 2 possibilities:
- your part is corrupted, it must be redone (possibly with assistance, if you have a contract, to recover it);
- there is a bug related to a conjunction of functions and you will have to tinker...

I just did the test with a new drilling and a new repetition on the wormed part:

- If the repetition crosses another function, it's messing up.

- If the repetition doesn't go through anything, the depth is good but not the quantity...


I also tested the same corrupted part in a new shot, same result.


Regarding the 2 possibilities:

-redo the part: with more than 500 functions, I don't think it's going to be possible!

On the other hand I opened a ticket with the support, I'll see what they tell me.

-Hack: I don't think I'd have a choice!


Thank you!

And via a drilling table

it should do it I think


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The drilling table solves nothing.

It also doesn't recognize the depth, replacing it also with "until the next one", and so if I group by identical function it mixes different drilling depths.

Basically, if I have 3 holes at different depths each repeated once, I get a table with 4 types of holes:

- a type for each "original" hole with a unique position

- a type for repeated drilling (while of different depth) with three positions!!


Have you tested, on a new piece, the repetition that crosses another function?
In the possible hacks:
- repetition by sketch;
- make the hole not with the drilling wizard but a "simple drill";
- If there are not too many: make the holes individually.

Good luck, I hope that the assistance can save you.

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Have you tested, on a new piece, the repetition that crosses another function?

=> Yes, it works normally.


In the possible hacks:
- repetition by sketch;

=> I already have repeated holes by sketch, with the same problem.

- make the hole not with the drilling wizard but a "simple drill";

=> My study is finalized, I can't afford to rebuild everything.

And what's more, they're either tapped holes or laminated holes. Simple piercings are not suitable for my situation.

- If there are not too many: make the holes individually.

=> There are too many!

And above all, it's too big a source of error that I can't afford (the finished part alone represents several thousand euros)


Good luck, I hope that the assistance can save you.

=> I hope too!


Thank you for your time.

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Okay, I just got the support.

They don't have a solution to offer me.

They transmit to SW.

Thank you all, I'll keep you posted!