PDM Update Procedure

Hello everyone,

I wrote this procedure for the SOLIDWORKS PDM update, but Visiativ support did not want to validate it for me.

So I just put this procedure on this Forum, if a PDM administrator could validate it for me it would be great.

Thank you in advance for your help



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Blocking user logins before the update is also done normally (prevents someone from logging in inadvertently).

The task scripts need to be updated but also checked (sometimes they don't really behave like the previous ones)

The toolbox update is missing.

Having never done or assisted the work of our reseller during the upgrade, I can't say much more (except to advise you to get help from someone who does this every day because you are not immune to new things involving new steps in the update process).

Otherwise there is the EPDM admin guide which deals with the subject exhaustively in chapter 11 (well we must hope...).

It's here in 2018 version (put 2020 instead if you want the 2020...): https://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/PDMWorks_Ent_Installation/2018/French/Installation%20Guide.pdf


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I agree with Froussel's remarks. There is a part of business  in the intervention of resellers to carry out updates (hence I think the refusal to validate your procedure) but as much for SolidWorks itself it is not very complicated, as much for SolidWorks PDM it is something else.

The slightest process error risks putting the database in error. At the very least, you have to make a backup of the SQL database to be able to go back if necessary. If you have never handled this type of base, it is safer to go through Visiativ (which seems to be your dealer).

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For my part, during the 1st EPDM update, we chose to bring back our reseller so that we could do the update together and write a procedure. It has a cost but at least afterwards you start on a good basis.
I press on the remarks of colleagues for the Backup of the SQL database and Data, that all users are disconnected (from the admin you can block connections to the vault),
For the update of the license server, Be careful if there is a change of server or server ID following the update of a component, you must release the license, uninstall the old license server, then install the new one and reactivate the licenses

For the update of the client workstations, maybe look at the installation via an administrative image, it allows you to prepare the update upstream and deploy it on all the workstations at the same time without the need to do everything by hand


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