Process/Methodology Complex Surface Solidworks


I am looking for a way to design my surfaces efficiently. 
I have already watched videos on Youtube, there are different methods developed.
Do you have a method/training/book (preferably French),

Who Outlines Complex Surface Design Methods?

Thank you!


You use the Surfaces tools for what type of application. Do you have any examples? This is to help with the answers

I do not have a good understanding of the principles of good functioning for the following tools:

- Smoothed boss
- Border Bossage

- Smooth surface
- Boundary surface

On this example, the method is interesting
But for the moment I don't really understand why he creates "support" surfaces and construction lines. Probably to help steer the tangent. 
I think I lack basic notions, by the cohesion between the open and closed profiles, curve guides, direction.
The same goes for the internal options of the functions. Apart from noticing tangent and normal to the profile achieves some smoother surface. The rest leaves me perplexed.
For my object, I worked on it this afternoon and I found a solution that seems correct to me.
It is intended for mold injection, there will be a laser treatment for an addition of 3D texture type grain.  




Other photo


The use of surface tools is quite peculiar, especially when you are a beginner. There is no single solution. There are more relevant and less time-consuming ones but it depends on a lot of things.

Compared to your piece, it seems to me that it is symmetrical so start by working on half a piece (see 1/4) to finish with a symmetry. I may start with 2 or 3 basic sketches (front, top, right) on which all your CAD construction rests behind. and then you come to create a block from which you remove your material as you go along (or by doing boss by boss). 

And above all, don't hesitate to do the tutorials and manipulate the functions as much as possible, There is no mystery, experience also plays a role

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