SolidWorks 2015 Process Stuck at 25 Percent

Hello, I work on SolidWorks 2015 and SolidWorks 2015 starts loading and freezes quite regularly. The process reaches 25 percent and there is nothing more we can do, forced to restart.

We have 4 Z400 workstations and on the 4 it's the same thing.

In addition, it is difficult to find the cause: often related to stresses, or simply by changing a dimension, modifying a hole or moving a part.

Anyone have any info to help me solve this problem?

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It's strange, it can come from the configuration of the workstation.

See my tutorial to reset SolidWorks (you can put the old settings back after):

Otherwise the drivers are up to date?

Especially the graphics card drivers, you can check it here:.



Is it on large assemblies?

See this tutorial

How many pieces?

There are a number of constraints that must not be exceeded per level if we want it to work well

@+ ;-))

On the tutorial he explains the rules to follow so as not to crash on large assemblies or the limits of the configuration of components etc... from 55 minutes

See attached diagram 

Avoid Toolbox or Temp Delete Components

It's all in this tutorial

@+ ;-))

I have the same problems on my computer, it's a z400.


I gave up and got back on 2014.

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Thank you for your answers. The assemblies are really not big. About 20 pieces for my part. Most of it is mechanically welded.

We had a lot of problems using large surface parts with tangents.

What is infuriating is that even on small assemblies without any particular constraints, the software crashes...

I changed the graphics drivers yesterday and the day before yesterday but the problem persists. I also switched to SP2.0 and the problem still persists.

I don't use the toolbox, I have my own commerce components.

I'll take a look at the tutorial to see if it helps me

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To Bart, did you contact a hotline to see if he gave you any clues to solve?

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it is usually said by experienced SW users

among other things, trainers on the log................................. (but don't say it, I didn't say anything ;-( )

that you have to wait at least for SP3

Before installing a major version

@+ ;-))

It is advisable to completely redo your configuration and not to take over the file from a previous version, is this what has been done? Otherwise try to contact the reseller especially if he is specialized in SolidWorks...

A gt22: I was told to use only from SP1... if you tell me to start with the SP3 you might as well wait directly for SW 2016!!


At .PL: I used the old versions for my 4 workstations... but why could general config settings cause problems on the SW crash?


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We received yesterday a letter from Axemble which advises against installing SW2015 SP0 and SP1 because of big bugs (it's for this reason that Solidworks made an SP1.1 version)

It may come from there.

Personally I'm on SW2015 SP2 with big assemblies and no more problems or new problems compared to before.



@gt22 is right, it is recommended (not officially of course!) to use the SW versions only from SP3, or even SP4. Sure, we find ourselves working with a late version, but with much less bugs!

It's not for nothing that many companies use the SW version from the previous year.


My problem is clearly not related to the size of the assemblies since even on small SW bugs...

Apart from bart I am the only one to have this SW problem which goes up to 25 percent of its process and plants stupidly?

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Why not use the old configs? Because of bugs, computer science and its mysteries!
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If I go back to factory settings, I lose all my shortcuts?

Make a backup of your settings using the Copy Settings tool (Start/Programs/SolidWorks 20xx/SolidWorks Tools/Copy Settings Wizard).

If it doesn't come from that, you can recover your original settings, especially your shortcuts.

See here so you don't lose your shortcuts

@+ ;-))


In the tutorial I indicated how to go back and reset its settings.


Are the files you are working on on the network or locally?

If on the network, try making a copy locally to see if the problem persists.

Personally I use SW2015 SP2 without encountering this type of problem.



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A gt22 and .PL: thank you for your proposals but in your 2 cases you have to go back so as not to lose anything. If I were on my own, I would gladly do it, but we are 4 people, which complicates things and forces me to choose the most likely and logical paths.

In Coyote, the track seems interesting, I'm going to try to work on a local project for a few days to see the effect, because today we are working on 2 servers (2 different factories) that synchronize at night so that we have everyone's work the next day.