Aluminum profile how to manage several lengths


I use aluminum profiles cut to the desired length to make frames. I'm a beginner.

I'm looking for how to deal with them. Today I take my 1000mm length profile and then I modify its length in extrusion and I save it under a new name before inserting it into my assembly.

Is it possible to have a library output with a property before inserting it to define its length before insertion? Or another solution?

If I place my 1000mm length and change its length in the assembly all the profiles will have the dimension that changes too. 

Thank you for your advice.


You can manage these lengths with a family of parts: Excel table and configuration.

Kind regards.


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Thank you for the information after I modify each profile one by one because I don't have all the lengths directly. That's why I'd like to put one of a defined length that I can easily adjust and then add one by one the other profiles that are independent of the first one with a quickly configured length. 

Then you "play" with the configurations as you can do with components from the same family.

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Hello @

In this case a library  such as the Weld Parts Toolbox section may be useful, 

It allows you to define the length when inserting components, modify it at any time by creating automatic configurations, change the configurations of the same parts while keeping the specific custom properties, 

How are the profiles assembled?
Why not use the welded construction module (even if the profiles are not welded)?


- Thank you Fred for your feedback. The excel solution is not really practical in my case, especially since I can add/remove and modify my structure during assembly. I don't really know how my structure will end up at the beginning of the assembly.

- Thank you Lynk, I absolutely have to look at this. Surely that could be the solution. 

A priori Toolbox is not installed on my computer. In my opinion it is not available in the basic version

Stefbeno is a structure that is assembled with holes on the sides and screws at the ends or special nut insertion.

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Otherwise, you create it in a library with the maximum length of the profile, insert it into your assembly and make it virtual, which allows you to modify it to the desired length.

On the other hand, it is not possible to make a plan of a virtual component, so you have to side the length in the assembly plan or via a description property  with the length in the BOM.

Or else the mechanical proposal also works very well

In my case, I don't need to make a plan of my profiles. I only make a list of the speeds. 

On the other hand, I don't understand the story of making it virtual. Can you explain this point to me?

In welded mechanics? I have to watch tutorials, I've never used this function.

Here is the help for virtual components:

To put it simply, it's like if you do a save under except that the part doesn't exist anywhere except in your assembly.

To make a virtual component, you select the component from the library in your assembly and right-click make virtual

If you need another one (different lg) you start from the one in the library and you make it virtual again and you change its length afterwards.

For the welded mechanic you have to create your profile library and then there is nothing complicated.

If a lot of different length or worse fit between profile this is the ideal solution.



Thank you very much, I'll look into that.