Project a volume onto a surface in solidworks


I made a car with volumes and surfaces. I would like to project the different sections of this vehicle on a map to determine its area. Do you have a tutorial or an idea to do this?

Thank you.

You can make an intersection curve between your car and a plane, and then from this curve generate a face (Surface/Flat Surface) whose area you can have.

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Thank you for your answer. I am glad that you are referring to the following menus:

Sketch-Convert Intersection Feature Curves

I'll try next week and keep you posted.


 You need to do this in a few simple steps

  1. Select a clip or create it from the angle you want
  2. Create as many planes as you want to cut (you can create 10 at once as in the attached example)
  3. From the 1st plane, create a sketch that allows you to remove material.
  4. Carry out the material removal until the next shot and you have the desired surface
  5. Select the face from the material removal
  6. then ==> Tool ==> Evaluate ==> measure = air surface result in mm²

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Good evening @mw1free

We can make it even simpler if you don't need to keep in mind the areas you measured.

You make a section from a plane (see attached image) once you have validated your section and if you select the face you automatically have the area with the "measure" function.

In my first proposal you keep the memory of the areas you have selected.

Kind regards

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