Extend Polyline [Draftsight]


Do you know (if possible) how to extend a polyline? I dug a little bit into all the options in Edit the polyline but nothing helps.

Thank you


Hello dbz,

I'll put you the link to a lynkoa discussion that could help you: http://www.lynkoa.com/questions/modifier-une-polyligne-apr%C3%A8s-%C3%A9dition





What do you mean by extending a polyline?

Kind regards

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In fact, I would like to add a segment (line or arc) to an end of an unclosed polyline.


Draftsight is really not my cup of tea but after a few tries, to extend a polyline after the last segment you double-click on the polyline to edit it, you type SHIFT + E for Edit vertex then SHIFT + N several times to go to the last vertex then SHIFT + I for Insert and there normally you can give the next end point.

To extend the polyline at the beginning of it, I only found the double-click to edit the polyline, then SHIFT + E then SHIFT + I for Insert then move the points because the add segment is inserted between the starting point and the second point.

It's a bit "space"

Kind regards

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See this very simple and good tutorial


at 1 minute 52 among other things you have the keyboard controls



Indeed it's downright cumbersome as a manip'..

I had resigned myself to adding a line/arc and then merging the element added to my polyline (SHIFT+J to join)!

Thank you!

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@dbz have you looked at the tutorial I posted

It seems to me simpler than the explanation of our friend @d. Roger


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It's actually a little easier with the SHIFT J:

You create another polyline starting from the end of the first one then you select your two polylines then you type SHIFT J then ENTER, then you select your first polyline then the second then you validate, this welds the 2 polylines into a single polyline .....

Kind regards



Seen, but in my case I don't extend to an entity so it doesn't work. On the other hand, it's true that it's great for adjustments!

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it doesn't matter your line has a dimension

so a ref point has the desired distance

and there no bleme it works


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