Extending a face


Is it possible to extend a face like this without having to resketch?

I would have to enlarge the selected part in blue, I know that it is possible with the "convert entities" function but in this case I have the whole face while I would like it with the 2 hollowed out parts indicated in red,




Yes it is possible with the move face function, see attached links:


And here's a YouTube video to show you:



Good answer from @ac-cobra!

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It's more and more all-enticing 

I understand less and less the questions asked

A little more explanation please

In fact when you use the convert entities function and you select a face it's normal that you don't have the openings because the conversion is only done on the outer contour, when the conversion is done afterwards you have to select all the inner edges of the part and then convert again and then the sketch will totally correspond to your selected face.


Well thank you but it doesn't work

It is an STL recorded in coin.

Here is in the zip, the capture of what didn't work and the part




Several questions

  • it doesn't work but @AcCobra's answer is valid as the best answer?
  • on another question still no answers and evolution

See these tutorials for imports



So you have an import saved as a part in Soliworks

but it is a dead body

Given the little complexity of the part, you might as well make another one it will go 10 times faster

If you want good answers, ask the right questions 

We are all ears

@+ ;-)

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Look in your other question, I'll explain how to open an STL in volume room...

I put better answer because the solution of moving the face must be good but I can't apply it to my part.

As far as opening an STL is concerned, I do as I was already advised several weeks ago by cobra, following the tutorial he had made me and that I am attaching.



Here is your piece as you wish... In fact, the move face  function didn't work because you deleted a part of the body and you move that part to the deleted part. There I think you put your finger on a bug in the function but by converting the sketches it works as done in the attachment...


Yes that's exactly it but I think I see that you went through "convert the entities" which I had started to do but I couldn't convert the hollow part.

Can you explain?


In fact it's very simple, I used the measuring tool to check the diagonals of the openings and they were 100% identical; so rectangular and from there I simply drew 2 rectangular sketches from corner to corner and did the extrusion...

I found it.

Here's what I did

On the other hand, how do you extend this hollow piece but at a given angle?



Here is the part with a modifiable plan for the extrusion of the hollow part... you just have to click on the 3D sketch to change the dimensions and the angle of the plane so that the extrusion follows then what I did the extrusion up to the face (the plane) and here is the part attached...


Oh yes, I didn't know about 3d sketching.

Complicated this case, I try to reproduce but I have difficulties, can you explain?

I did this  after... I tried to side the angle it is constrained, I don't understand.

As you can see, I'm trying to get the face to go down on the bottom capture.

It's a part cooling system for 3d printers, it's a duct but I think you can imagine it...



You did everything correctly but you shouldn't grade the 90° because when you draw like that it's automatically perpendicular unless you put it askew. If you look in my sketch there is only the dimension of 10 for the minimum length and the 45° for the angle and the 15 for the height which is not mandatory but I put it so that the sketch is totally constrained. I didn't make you a tutorial because you did everything right, if you remove your 90° dimension and you do the rest the sketch will be totally constrained and functional.

Well but then to have an angle how do you do it?

I think I understood, you shouldn't put the Z at 90° but simply at an angle and then then all you have to do is quote.

Then I close the sketch, I select 2 branches depending on what I want to do either zy or zx or other and place a plane in which I will be able to make the sketch but there I get stuck again...

