I'm looking for help with an assembly Mass Properties and CGG problem.
I have an assembly of about 300 parts, composed of imported parts (WWTP), sub-assemblies, mechanically welded parts, mechanical parts, screws...
I established a nomenclature manually in Excel or I transferred the weights of each element 1 to 1 with precision. The Excel total is 2360.8 kg.
As I need to know the CDG of the assembly to know if it tilts, I use the "Ground Properties" command which gives me a mass of 2108.7 kg. The CDG is therefore false, it is very dangerous.
SW does not recognize certain parts, sub-assemblies... but it is impossible to know which ones because the difference (2360.8-2108.7=252.1 kg) does not allow us to identify anyone.
It's been 3 days that I've been struggling to find an explanation, a solution in vain.
To compare with your excel, you can create a custom "Mass" property to which you assign, via the drop-down menu, the mass calculated by SW. Then, you make a bill of materials in drawing mode showing the name of the file and the previously defined mass. You export this nomenclature in excel and compare with your file.
In this kind of situation, for commercial parts, I force the mass properties (mass and position of the CdG) so that it corresponds to the documentation (it avoids tearing your hair out trying to straighten messed up models)
Yes, the parts are in volume except for parts imported via traceparts for example.
The material is all defined jump for imported parts where the densities have either been adjusted to arrive at the actual weight or forced
I don't see what it means STEP converted correctly. I saved them and then opened them with SW. Once opened I corrected either the density or forced the mass.
"" I don't know what this means STEP converted correctly. I saved them and then opened them with SW. Once opened I corrected either the density or forced the mass.""
It's not enough for WWTPs, as stefbeno says , you have to force the mass properties (mass and position of the CdG) especially in your own which look for the one of your assembly.
It is possible that some WWTP or traceparts imported are totally or partially surfaced, in this case they must be corrected, add missing surfaces to convert to volume (if you give it a material).
If they are devices and not simple parts, it is not said that they are complete (any internal engine element, electronic board, screws, different materials) and therefore distort the mass and the CDG, hence the interest in forcing them.
Hello, the highlighting is a scale of value where you ask for the mass so the more you are highlighted the more you are lourd.si you click on MASS bubble 3 it will classify them by horde of size.