Config Name Property in Part Family

Good evening

What do we need to add in the "part family" table to have the property of the config in the nomenclature

and do not use "description" in the nomenclature.

I got an old part with 50 configs and I don't want to change these 2 parameters by hand knowing that they don't appear in my part family table.

Thank you in advance

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Have you looked at this help page

Configuration properties

Configuration NameType the name of the configuration. This name must not contain a forward slash (/) or the "at" sign (@). A warning message appears when you close the dialog box if the name contains one of these characters, if the field is left blank, or if the name already exists. You can view the names of component configurations in the FeatureManager authoring tree.
Description(Optional). Type a description identifying the configuration. You can view descriptions of component configurations in the FeatureManager authoring tree and theConfigurationManager. If you want to use text as a description in a BOM, select Use in BOM. This text takes precedence over custom or configuration-specific properties, but it does not change the configuration values.
Comment(Optional) Type any additional configuration information.
Custom properties(Available only when editing the properties of an existing configuration). Click to access the configuration-specific properties in the Information Summary dialog box.


Thank you gt22, but I know all that! my question is badly formulated perhaps, it's in my Excel table of part family that I want to add  "name of the config" OK and "description" not OK in the nomenclature.

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Still not clear to me...

By going to the properties of the room, you fill in the description and name fields of the config.

When you open your part family, sw will tell you the new fields. And then you fill them in for the other conferences.

But you already know that I think... So more info on your PB, please?


your piece that has different configues has a name

you have x configue in this case 50

these 50 configues have different refs which they (if it's the sides it's up to you to concatenate the sides)

so you'll have the name of configue + concatenation of the dimensions

which will make it possible to differentiate the jams  

so the parts of this configue



Parameter Specifications:


  • Some parameter specifications that appear in column header cells include a keyword, such as $CONFIGURATION or . $COMMENTAIRE Parameter keywords are not case-sensitive.
  • Some parameters (deletion state or referenced configuration of a component) also include a component name and an occurrence number. These parameters use the following syntax:


    composant being the name of the component and occurrence the number of the occurrence (integer), given in pointed square brackets.

    For example, the column labeled $CONFIGURATION@engrenage<2> controls the referenced configuration of the second occurrence of a component called gear.

    Values that are not names (Oui, Supprimer, etc.) are not case-sensitive. The syntax and legal values for each type of parameter are described in other topics.

Here is an example so that the designation (we don't use the description but it comes down to the same thing) is different in the nomenclature depending on the configuration used.

For the designation property (or description) you can concatenate to retrieve values from other cells, see the explanation at gt22.

Otherwise maybe your problem comes more from the options of the nomenclature see attached image you have to check display with the same article number and choose the option display separately the configs of the same part


I think it's the "nomenclature option" setting that you want to configure:

Have you tried to modify it on a config to see how the family table reacts?


Good evening and thank you for your answers, they made me move forward,

Stefbeno has understood what I want, I still have to get the "Description" property in my nomenclature, see attached image



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So that's simple since it's a SW property.

Considering that you want to change an existing column:

You click on the BOM to activate it, then on the column marker letter (e.g. B to reuse the column "Part Number"

The following menu appears:

By clicking on the 4th icon from the right, you will have the choice to access the property you are interested in.


And if you want to add a new column, you click with the left button on the column next to which you want to insert your new column, you choose whether you want it on the right or on the left:

There you go


Thank you Stefbeno, I've already done what you tell me, I just want to check the "use in nomenclature" box of Description for my 50 configs in my family of parts. automatically, as on my previously attached image.