


I lost my property window...


I do have the keyboard shortcut ( CTRL + 1 ) but the window does not appear. A priori the other shortcuts work but impossible to make my window (or tab...).


Small clarification, I work with two screens but of course it is not on the other one either.


Question: Is there a hidden procedure or function to find it?


Thanks in advance



On Windows 7 there is Windows+TAB to see all the windows

Thank you but no, my window has disappeared.


As if I was hiding ( HIDEPROPERTIES ) but when I want to show it ( PROPERTIES ) it doesn't appear.

Certainly a silly question, but hey, restarting solidworks and the PC doesn't work?

According to Forrest, idiocy is only idiocy


and for any pc we say, In doubt Reboot

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it may simply be moved to the edge of the screen and therefore invisible.

Is there an option to restore the original configuration or something like that?

Indeed there is no such thing as a stupid question:


- the reboot did not work

- Repair/re-installation did not work

- deletion/re-installation did not work


By the way, the settings remained so I would lean towards a blocked parameter problem.


Pascal if you have an idea for the original configuration?



Here are 2 questions talking about the same problem:


Hoping this helps you

I eventually made it but Tomalam's ties would have helped me.


--> Options --> Profiles --> reset




I went through the links and it would seem that my problem was very similar to the ones described.

I don't think I would have gone so far as to modify the registry and that's fine with me.


Thank you all for your answers