Custom properties - text length

Hello everyone,

I would like to know if in the custom properties editor it is possible to limit the number of characters?

The designation of our parts/ASM is filled in this way but our cartridges are not endless and sometimes the filled designation is too long. I looked for information on the forum and on the internet but nothing.

Is it possible or not? If so, how?

Thank you and Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:

To make sure we're talking about the same thing, please take a screenshot of the " Custom Property Editor".

If you go directly to the file's properties, there is no limitation.

If you go through the form or SmartProperties, there are possibilities.

This is my editor. This is the designation field that I would like to limit.


I confirm that with SMARTPROPERTIES from the MyCad suite you can limit the number of characters in the field and many other specifications


That's exactly what I'm looking for but I don't have the myCAD suite :smiling_face_with_tear:

So the form editor that comes with SW.

Apparently, this does not seem possible.
but since I don't use it (we have Smart Properties), maybe another user can give you better information.

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Not possible natively. In addition, since users can access the custom properties of files without necessarily using the input " cards ", this limitation would be quickly bypassed.
A bit of a limitation of SW in my opinion as long as you use ancillary or integrated tools.

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