Custom properties and parts family

Hi all.

How do I bind the name of a room family configuration to a custom property? (see attached PDF).

I don't know if we can do it with SDW or if we have to go through a macro.

Thank you for your answers.

Have a nice day.



In the part family (which is in Excel format) you just have to link the property to the name of the configuration in Excel (column $PROPRIETE@...) using Excel formulas.

I don't think there is an internal variable in Solidworks that allows you to directly repatriate the name of the configuration.

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Thank you for your answer @Cyril.f

Could you elaborate on your answer, I still can't bind the property.

I don't know how to do it.

Thank you.

As di Cyril.f :

You create a column with the header: $PROPRIETE@REFERENCE PIECE COMMERCE

Then on each line you fill in the value of the property

The advantage is that you can use an Excel formula for this

Thank you@remrem

The value creation part of the property is OK.

But then I don't know how to link the property value to my custom properties.

If you have filled in each line, then you don't have to do anything more. Except to close your binder.

In fact, each row in your workbook corresponds to a configuration. So each value entered in your column and directly related to the configuration of the row.

OK @remrem.

But I can't seem to show the value of the property in my custom properties. There must be some manipulation to be done. But I don't know.


Do they appear in the properties of your file?

Use this icon: then go to the configuration-specific properties


Can you post your piece so that we can make you a tutorial???

Here is my piece!!

Thank you for your help!!!


In the excel table, you have to type in the first cell =A2 and then drag the formula on the other cells. You also have to set the format of the cells as standard because by default it is text.


Dsl I can't open, I'm under 2016...


The easiest way is to create/fill in the desired property through the file's property editor (in the "Configuration specific" tab).

Then, when reopening the excel table, (the "new parameter" option must be checked in the function of the part family) solidworks should display the desired column.