Purge constraints

Hello everyone ,

I searched in vain for a command that would purge all unused constraints in an assembly.
Because in an assembly that I used to test a lot of things, I have a lot of light gray constraints in my creation tree. Some because I deleted the component or they are in the deleted state.

In short, it's a bit of a jungle and I would have liked to clean up all at once. But I haven't seen such an order in SW

Anyone know?




It's quite simple in the 2019 version

If you have a little half an hour I'll make you a mini tutorial

To everything'

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I want your tutorial even though it's 2018

But it can be useful....

Thank you


To answer this question, a tutorial has been created. To access this Tutorial, follow this link: Bulk Delete Unused Constraints



That's clear, sharp
Many thanks for this tutorial!!

See you soon


The display of constraints related to one or more components has existed since SW15 or even 14, it seems to me.

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This tutorial allows you to remove all the constraints deleted in the current config

But some constraints can be active only in other configurations.

So you also remove these constraints that were useful ...

It would take a trick to remove constraints whose link is broken.


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Look at HERE, there is a macro that allows you to list the constraints from which 1 reference is removed, all that remains is to add the delete function.

Kind regards

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Thank you d.roger!

I started by doing a copy/paste trial in a new macro but it didn't work. Not good at this aspect of SW.

Thank you anyway!