Purge or Shrink Solidworks Files

Good evening 

I'm working on Solidworks 2014 and I'd like to know if there was a way to "purge like on AutoCAD" solidworks files. In fact, I work on the design of assembly instructions for furniture. But files are very heavy and so it "slows" a lot, I integrate a lot of blocks for all the hardware icons and I wanted to know if there was a possibility to decrease the block files or the solidworks file as a whole. I specify that I do not have a supplement or utility for instructions on solidworks. Thank you in advance for your answers.

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Good evening


If I understand correctly, you work in Solidworks to make manuals like on 3Dvia Composer?


When you say, "these files are too heavy", are you talking about the drawing?


If that's the case, you can try adjusting the settings in the "Performance" and "Image Quality" tab (See image), in order to improve the speed of your machine.


By the way, what's your setup? (machine used, Ram process etc...)






In the toolbars there are analysis and expert analysis tab which allows you to visualize the design and thus allows you to see where and which part or assembly is long in terms of opening time

It is also necessary to optimize the constraints 

I don't think the blocks weigh down much but to check?

@+ ;-))

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To complete what @Bart say, please give us a screenshot of what you are doing.


To reduce the size of SW files, you have to do "Save As" from time to time instead of simply "Save".

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There is no utility to minimize SolidWorks files:

You can indeed do a "save as" and it works well for some screws for example which have a lot of configurations so a lot of modifications and registrations: with us some screws were up to 10 MB and after a save as, went under 2 MB.

Otherwise, for the management of large assemblies, I can only recommend the 2 tutorials I have made available on Lynkoa:


And in particular on the SpeedPak:


Finally, in some cases, but it is a bit tedious to do it each time, we record the assemblies in parts (save under > pieces) and we can choose external faces: but this probably does not correspond to the case of the instructions where we have to make cross-sectional views...


Lucas, I think @paille1384 specify that he doesn't have SolidWorks Composer when he talks about add-on or utility. Which I think is a shame for him because he would no longer have any problems with file size and heaviness.
