Hi all!
I work with SOLIDWORKS 2022 SP05.
I have big problems with the display, on the whole model. but when I open the subsets, everything goes back to normal
Here's a screenshot of my display settings
For your information, a colleague on another position is also experiencing the problem. This is the only project that is affected.
Thank you in advance for your hypotheses!
Hello Are you sure you don't have stacked pieces? Poorly set or nested parts?
Hi @Le_Bidule
I'm sure of it! If the answer had been so simple... but no, we have to struggle from time to time!
By the way, additional details:
I started from a project with the same problem
A newly created, problem-free part that was recently inserted into the assembly now has display issues
My hypothesis is about options for displaying the global assembly. But I don't know which ones.
March 5, 2025, 9:58am
Damn, I've had such artifacts before but I don't remember how, or if, I corrected them...
Talk about a constructive response
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Thank you for your participation in any case!
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March 5, 2025, 10:03am
Which GPU and driver, and is it the same on the 2 stations?
I imagine that you have already tried to disable antialiasing options and other improved perfs.
Try seeing Draft Quality unchecked, and/or Use component color in LCS/LCA.
No better for the moment. I try to restart SOLID between noon and two to apply the update of the perf options. improved
Hello, it seems to me that, indeed, this is a typical case of " Improved graphics performance: "
In general, this goes back to normal when this option is disabled. (associated with the correct driver of the graphics card and/or the installation of the patch proposed by Solidworks... Patch to be reinstalled after any changes to the driver). The RTX 4000 card is eligible for the patch...
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Re! after restarting SOLID, it's better but still not crazy...
and anti aliasing only shifts the problem! A weird area becomes normal and an area that was normal becomes weird.
And it's a new blowout for the French player!