When I copy and paste a folder containing the CATproduct and all components (CATparts) and open the CATproduct from the copied folder, all the components are linked to the original folder

Hello everyone,

How do I make the CATparts of the copied CATproduct the copied CATparts and not the original CATparts?

Thank you in advance.

The best practice is to proceed from CATIA (not on Windows) by opening the CATproduct and then, my first choice 
1-    Tab " File / Records Management / (save as / directory propagation)".
2-    " File / send-to/directory" tab.
Now if you want to do it on Windows.
You can modify the CATIA Searche Order to force you to search for the link only in the directory.
 Tools / Options / General / Documents (Location of linked documents) 
There you can choose how CATIA looks for links when opening a CATProduct, a CATPart or a CATDrawings.
Link folder (this is the absolute path saved in the CATIA document during backup)
Honestly, I don't advise playing with it (we use it occasionally to solve opening PBs but that's all) then we put it back as before!