What should we include in a CATIA skeleton?

Hi all

Following my previous post where my project is explained ( http://www.lynkoa.com/forum/3d/faire-une-conception-squelette-catia ), his advised me to divide my different questions which I do here.

So here's my second question:

In a skeleton design, do we have to represent all the elements that will make up our device? (Here is the drone)

If so, can I modify the skeleton create  if I realized I forgot to include something? (For example, landing gear)

Thank you in advance for your answer and for your time.

Kind regards


A priori the function is the same as in SolidWorks so I would be tempted to say of course, you can modify its design as you go when you use a skeleton. The skeleton is even mostly used when you're not sure of its final design, so I imagine you can modify along the way.

yes everything is movable

Nothing is set in stone

Simply take the refs of the design elements and change the settings

try to coerce,

via lines, points and planes

@+ ;-))


In the case of an assembly, the skeleton is a part with little or no volume.

Mainly it is a CATPart in which there are several geometric Sets containing refs, planes, points, parameters, etc.

So it's very easy to add a new set (train reference, ).

Great care must be taken in the definition of a skeleton (we modify the graphic properties, we put colors, we name the elements).

We are looking for efficiency, for example:

One point per coordinate offers 3 parameters, which is one too many if you want to implant a screw on a plate, for example

A point on a plan (reference plane above the plate) offers more than 2 parameters.

If you have several screws aligned, a point on a curve (straight) offers only 1 parameter.

You can also imagine a sketch of stitches, or even several interchangeable.