What does my client need to do to access my project?

What step does my client have to take step by step to access my project.


Please be specific because I'm not a lynkoa pro.


thank you in advance


Should he have an account on Lynkoa, or be subscribed to MyCadplace?

He must have an account on Lynkoa, but no need to be a subscriber.


The help of MyCADPlace already gives a lot of information:

http://www.lynkoa.com/aide-mycadplace#Inviter of employees


The people you invite will receive an email from the sender " cm@lynkoa.com ".

Explain to the people you invite to check their mailbox and in particular sometimes the spam folder.


When you invite someone, you define a role for them in the project.

By default, the role is "collaborator", which means that the invited person will also  be able to upload files to the project.


If you don't want to, set their role to "Reader". In this case, it will only be able to view and download the documents/files.


If, on the other hand, you want the person to be able to invite other collaborators as well, set their role to "Administrator".


You can also change these roles once everyone has been invited.


We recommend that you customize the invitation text, including signing it with your name so that the people you invite recognize you.

To invite multiple people, enter their email addresses separated by a comma and click "add."

If these people already have a Lynkoa account, their email address will be automatically offered to you as you type.

If they don't have a Lynkoa account  , they will go through an account creation step before accessing your project. Creating a Lynkoa account for a guest is completely free and without any commitment to buy anything! Explain the good to your guests.



It is possible to connect to Lynkoa via Linkedin, Google, Twitter or Facebook.


And a small article of the possibilities:


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you also need to use google as your browser and set it up as indicated in the MyCAD help

that he is a member of LYNKOA

that his email address is common to the email address that he has defined as a member of LYNKOA

send him an invitation in the MyCAD project

and there you have it


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