What does argument filled with "IMPOSSIBLE" mean in the conditions for a workflow?

Hi all

I clean up my PDM database and I come across this workflow with the argument condition "IMPOSSIBLE" (see attached image).

What does this mean? Does that make sense?

I wonder if this feed is active on my database, if it is not I delete it.

Thank you in advance for your feedback.




Unless I'm mistaken, it's a manually filled in field, so apart from checking if files have gone through this stream one day via search criteria, I don't see.

Since you can't delete states that files would have gone through, I don't think you can delete a stream if these files are still present in the database (never tested this case).

The "IMPOSSIBLE" argument may be put to prevent a file from ending up in the workflow.

Hello Cyril,

Thank you for your answer and your point of view.

Yes, absolutely , it's a field that you fill in manually (with the conditions attached to the image).

But I don't remember when creating this flow why I put it "IMPOSSIBLE".

I think it was built and not operated afterwards. I would like to find a way to find out, whether or not this stream is active or not and delete it if it doesn't have it. Following your reasoning, I can try in the flow to delete the initial state, this will give me an indication on that.

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