What does "->?" mean in the Solidworks Creation Tree


In fact, as for the meaning of "->?" in the Solidworks creation tree, I had the beginning of an answer on the internet.

It says "an external reference is currently out of context".

The problem is that it doesn't solve my problem. Basically, I drilled holes using the drill wizard and placed them by editing the part in the assembly to superimpose them concentrically on the holes in the part below.

And I then changed the center distance of the holes of the "centerpiece". But in the same assembly for some parts it followed well and the sign facing the function is "->" but for others it did not follow and the sign facing the function is "->?".

What could be the reasons for this? And if anyone knows how to fix this, I'd like the trick please?

Thank you in advance.

External references

An external reference is created when a document depends on another document for its solution. If the referenced document changes, the dependent document also changes.

In an assembly, you can create a contextual feature on a component that references the geometry of another component. This contextual feature has an external reference to the other component. If you change the geometry on the referenced component, the associated contextual functionality is modified accordingly.  

Contextual functionality is updated automatically if the update path is available. The update path is contained in the assembly in which you create the reference. If the update path is not available (for example, if the assembly document is closed), The update occurs the next time you open the assembly that contains the update path.

Update paths for contextual art \ update.giffunctionsare displayed in the assembly's FeatureManager design tree. You can hide or show all of these contextual icons by right-clicking the top-level assembly iconand selecting Hide Update Updates or Show Update Updates .

You also have the option to not create external references when designing in the context of an assembly.

FeatureManager Design Tree Conventions

In the FeatureManager authoring tree, any element with an external reference has a suffix that indicates the status of the reference:

  • The -> suffix means that the reference is in context, and is resolved and updated. 

  • The ->? suffix means that the reference is out of context. The feature is not resolved or is not up to date. To resolve and update the feature, open the assembly that contains the update path.

  • The suffix -> * means that the reference is locked.

  • The suffix -> x means that the reference is broken.

To list external references on a part or feature, right-click the part or feature, or right-click the update art \ update.gifmediaand select External Reference   List.

Related topics

List of external references

Locking and breaking external references

Control of external reference creation

Rules for external references

External References - Options

File management with external references

@+ ;-)


The answer came quickly!!

Sacred @gt22

; °)-


For the usual questions it should have a list of "copy and paste" ready to use



No, it's not even true

Bad tongue



"The ->? suffix means that the reference is out of context. The feature is not resolved or is not up to date. To resolve and update the feature, open the assembly containing the update path."

To complete this point: remember to pass the component concerned, or even the assembly if possible, in solving...

I opened the assembly in question. Updated and fixed this one, but it doesn't change anything.

In fact I think the problem comes mainly from the fact that the parts that have not been updated are those that are copies. (well I think)

But then the only solution I see would be to make them from scratch. Too bad...

Thank you anyway.

Another option: starting from an empty SW, open the part concerned, open the assembly, do a ctrl-Q in the asm and then in the part.

At the limit, simply editing the function again in the context should even be enough.

It was the first thing I tried. I have everything Ctrl+Qué !! ;)

But it doesn't work either.


Hello, wouldn't you have deleted the reference part of the function in the assembly??? In this case you have to redo the reference, if you have also moved constraints it may be that the reference plane is changed too.

Kind regards


See this tutorial among others 

He explains the external ref among others at 31.52minute


@+ ;-)



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