What type of travel is required for this type of load?

Good evening

Please someone can help me understand why my calculation does not run with the imposed displacement and external loading shown in the attached figure.

When I check the box " Use inertial relaxation", it shows me the following message:

"Warning: There is a significant external unbalance force in the Y direction that will be balanced by the application of opposing inertial forces. Unless your model is subject to such a force or marginal imbalance forces, the application of inertial relaxation may alter its characteristics.  Would you like to continue?

Does anyone have the solution?

Thank you in advance for your answers!



There is a piece of information missing in your second red box for the radian movement that is not filled in.

Such is the force you will have a rotation during elongation due to the two angles that form the S.

I also don't see a blockage in the axial direction which makes the simu not going to like it.

We would have to show all the parameters.

Kind regards



You should see your simulation construction tree, but in my opinion your model is not balanced and you no longer satisfy the laws of statics.

In your movement you have not blocked the rotation of your piece around the axis that passes through its upper hook. But maybe you did it with another function?

1 Like

Thank you for your answers!

I tried to block the rotation, I still don't have an answer. You will find all the parameters on the attached figure.

When I check the "Use Inertial Relaxation" box, it shows me the same message: "Warning: There is a significant external unbalance force in the Y direction that will be balanced by the application of opposing inertial forces..."



Too bad you didn't take my remark into account.

Notice that this is okay as I don't understand your simulation logic.

I have the impression that you are making knots with the notion of connectors.

Before going any further to help you, here is what I understand from your arrangement. Tell us if it's correct.

  1. You have a tube that doesn't appear on the drawing and the U-piece comes into contact with that tube. (hence my suggestion). Like a hanger hanging from a tube in a closet)
  2.  to prevent the U-shaped piece from coming out of the tube (which you can't see) you put a pin. This pin has only a safety function and does not have to intervene in the simulation if your force at first is directed in Y. Apart from security, it does not reinforce anything at all, or almost.
  3. You put the contact solidary, which makes no sense if you have only one part, i.e . the 10MEH-2960-mytest.
  4. The axle connector has nothing to do there since you don't have an axle and the pin is of no use for simulation as already stated.
  5. Inertial relaxation has nothing to do in your case since you are in static. (for the record = Use inertial relaxation to .../... a free body that accelerates like a rocket propelled by its engine, an airplane in flight, or a car in motion

In fact, you just need a connector on the cylindrical part of your U welded to the tube and an axial blockage to avoid a large displacement and an error message. Also an imposed displacement in rotation with the radian and in axial (third choice in the list.

In fact, with or without a pin, your U will open as soon as you exceed a certain load and the pin will have no effect on such a small thickness.

On the other hand, you disregard the weld in your simulation: which makes your simulation erroneous because as you do it, the U-shaped piece and the zig-zag tube are reputed to be infinitely solid, which is obviously false. Most of the ruins in this kind of assembly come from a weld.

It should also be specified if the 3500N load is free. If it is free like a suspended weight, then you will also have a deformation of your zig zag tube in the sense of a tendency to open both the angles of the zig and the zag. It is this distortion that also justifies the imposed displacement that I am suggesting to you.

Can you post your piece so that I can explain it to you better.

Kind regards



Thank you for these explanations!

Excuse me, I'm new to SolidWorks if that's easy. I am sending you attached my part in its assembly (with pdf doc that explains my problem). My objective is to know if my two parts will hold up for a load of 3500 N (by modeling the weld of course).



You will find in the attached PDF document some comments.

You were very naughty because you didn't give me the assembly (with take-away composition or pack and Go depending on your version of SW)  but a curious part. So I made do with it ;-)

Kind regards


Good evening

Thank you for the time you have devoted to explaining things to me! I apologize if I have disturbed you with my request. As I told you in my last post, this is my first experience with SolidWorks and I didn't know that there are several types of backup. Is this the file (attached) you asked for?

Once again all my apologies for not sending the right file!



There is no assembly and even if the parts are there I would have to redo the asm.

You should know that to send files you must do it from the Assembly (.asm) to do the following:

From your assembly

  1. You have to do FILE
  2. Composition to take away or pack and GO since 2017
  3. Select ZIP file (and don't forget to check attach results.
  4.  oulla that's all

See you later :-)

PS: which version of SW do you have??



I'm using SW 2019, I hope this time will be the right file.


Thank you I'll watch this as soon as possible tomorrow!! but before that, there is Valentine's Day as the heart of the target for the day.

I'm in 2019 too: it will be easier to exchange the result (if I manage to get a result :-)   )


I tried to simplify the problem.

Could you please tell me what's wrong? You will find attached the document concerned.



I don't know how to tell you but your file


Includes parts that are not attached. Also, it points to your computer's clean path , which shows that you're misusing the pack and go or taking the wrong coin.

Your way is  Z:\4-CAROUSELS\05-COMMON PARTS SERIES         etc, etc. How do you expect to do a full load to a computer I don't have access to.

Moreover, I do not understand how you made your pieces. In addition, your fixed area is not good,  you have to make separation lines to limit the fixed contact area.
Look at the tutorial I made, it will help you. https://www.lynkoa.com/contenu/les-lignes-de-s%C3%A9paration-1

Completely redo your part with classic sketches and extrusions. There is something wrong with your model without me knowing what (presence of ??? case)

If you don't send me the right files, I'll be forced to hand over to someone who is more patient than me.

Kind regards



Thank you for your answer and the time you give me!

Kind regards.


Thanks to your feedback, I solved my problem!

At the location of the crank, a reference point is coupled to the upper faces of the flat part of the hook using "remote loading". These loads only distribute the load and do not add additional rigidity to the model. For this reference point, all translations are fixed.

Thank you again!

Have a nice day.