Which assembly config for a given part config

Hello les Lynkoeurs


I'm in the process of reviving an old conception of a standard thing at home. It is an assembly with several configurations, made up of parts with several configurations.


When the design was done, the user at the time didn't have the brilliant idea of relating the config names to each other.

For example, I can have the assembly with the config "3 short left storage" which is made up of one part configuration "xx" and other parts with other config names.

Do you feel it coming, the confusion?


I need to create a new configuration. So I made all my small changes, etc etc. And when I reused a standard part, I noticed a small problem of about 1 or 2mm. The part in question has no logical sides (I see where the error comes from actually) .... And that's where there's a problem.

I would like to modify it while being sure that it does not disturb other configurations.


So I come to my question: How do I know which assembly configuration does the configuration of a part point to?


In a simple or a slightly roundabout way, it doesn't matter. But I have about 30 different configs in the assembly. And I'd like to avoid as much as possible to manually review them one after the other (super tedious!)


Thanks in advance

By going through a family of parts (even temporary), you will have your confs parts according to your conf assembly.



By right-clicking on the part in the tree and "configuring" you can see it directly, you get this table:


Ho, but that's not stupid at all! It even works very well.


You just prevented me from dying in front of the PC, I thank you from the bottom of my heart@Opiep27!


Edit: I saw your answer after @PL. It is quite simple indeed. How come I didn't think about it? What a burden!

So dsl @Opiep27, we had to choose between the two of you ... and we can't share the points of the best answer^^ The one from @PL is really simple anyway