What is the difference between a room with configurations and Driveworks?

See also this tutorial


@+ ;-))

Well, it was possible to remove the best answer but not to put another one in a better one, so we leave it that way!

What I remember is that there are several ways to approach a problem of parts with configurations.

1. By simply creating the configurations and pounding them one by one (simple but less functional)

2. By controlling these configurations from Excel or from the custom property questionnaire (the resulting file will be quite large, however)

3. Using DriveworksXpress (allows you to have custom questionnaires and copies the model part, therefore less heavy. A "+" for the creation of automated drawings

4. By using a MyCadTools utility (given at noon this lunchtime at the corner of a table, to be checked)


In any case, as Benoit.LF points out in this topic, it is important to define in writing the different configurations to be obtained with the variables in order to have a better visibility of the project and facilitate the choice of the method to be used.

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Well summarized.


Of course, when you start creating a piece of this type, you always have to start with a handwritten sheet.


Write down all the variables you need, the names of the coasts to be modified, the equations etc.


"Knowing where you're going to know how to get there;)