What feature do you need to use to get there

Hello I tried the sweep on two rails but it doesn't work.


I make a curve   in red round front view, I then make a blue round top view curve  to round the lure at the level of the head finally I make a curve for the green round sweeping but it doesn't work.

I look at tutorials I see that I have to reproduce my green round curve several times but how to keep the constraints

Thanks in advance  (I'm just starting out)



I don't know Rhino but what you seem to want to do looks more like a smoothing function than a sweeping function (a sweep being a constant section while a smoothing joins variable sections). It would therefore be good to make several sections on staggered planes (every 20 mm for example if your part is 100 mm).

On the other hand, finishing a smoothing on one point can be problematic. It would be better to finish on a circle of small diameter and close the shape with a half sphere.

To see your posted images

We can clearly visualize all the sketches to be made

so just do as on the pictures

Did you redo it as mentioned on your other question solidworks decoy?


Do you have a function equivalent to Creo's Free Style?



That's what I would use on Creo.



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@ S. b it's true to see creo's free style

it's a great seller of the log and in + it's a max version of 2011


I've already tested it for a special handle.




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́ ́The fact is that visually it seems quite simple

But as always, to know if in practice it's that simple?

There are handy tools, such as tangents, normals, or cutouts to surfaces.

The possibility of redoing a symmetry, which was my case to then create a solid, rework on it in classic design and remake a shell of the whole.

After that, you shouldn't want a precise odds.

I'm convinced that I wouldn't do exactly the same thing twice.


"I look at tutorials I see that I have to reproduce my green round curve several times but how to keep the constraints"


That's what I was going to say: in my opinion you have to start with a loft function, but you will need more "section", what "constraints" do you have to preserve? 

Otherwise try with the "networksrf" function, I think it can work