Which piece could fit this description?

Hello I am a student in the first year of dut GMP and I have a small problem in a design assignment, I can't find what this part would look like, I have searched for a long time but I don't see, so I would need help. In the photo, only the strong lines are part of the room to be designed, the rest (the thin lines) represent the parts that will surround the room in question. If someone could show me what this piece could look like, please thank you in advance  !



It's just a square support to be defined.

It has a plane support on a table and must guide the axis of a ratchet in rotation.

The piece must be finished by defining these 2 technical functions.

For rotating guidance, for example, a shoulder on the ratchet side and an elastic ring on the other side allow the rotation guide to be put into position. There are many solutions.


Hello and thank you for this answer however I don't see how I could place the two imposed T-ribs ...

well 1 between the axis of the ratchet and the ratchet and 1 between the axis of the ratchet and the base for example. But there are other possibilities.