Which SP version for a new installation of the SolidW2016


Our design office has bought 2016 versions to upgrade the "old 2011s" that are installed.

What do you advise me to make this "evolution" go well?

The uninstallation of the old version with re-installation of the new one as a "first time" or the installation with update of the existing version?

Is it better to install the new version directly in SP2 or SP0, then SP1 and SP2 to finish?


Thank you in advance for your answers.


For a clean installation, I advise you to uninstall your old version of Solidworks, even if nowadays it is less and less of a problem to install software as an "update".

You can also manually delete the last remaining directories to avoid potentially unused files.

However, you can install your version directly in SP2, it will automatically do the others via it.

Hoping to have answered your question.

Kind regards



Directly SP2! And a new facility will be cleaner.


Hello, see this topic!



Yoan.pacquelet had put a complete procedure to make a clean installation. 

And of course I also recommend SP2.

Kind regards

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Just like my acolytes. It's a source of future bugs to do a simple update


If you can install the SP2 or wait for the 3 as gt22 and thom@s say, ask BART for the bugs of the SP0 or PS1

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I have always heard from informed users

(not salespeople, you got it right ;-))

wait for SP3 at least to work with ...................................

@+ ;-)


+1 with gt22

wait for SP3 or even SP4!

Personally, I voluntarily always keep a year behind on the new versions...


Thank you for your answers.

So I'm going to follow your advice with the installation of SP2 after deleting the old files.


Thank you for your answers.

So I'm going to follow your advice with the installation of SP2 after deleting the old files.