What are the methods for creating a part 2 that is symmetrical to part 1 at an intermediate level of the building tree?


For clarity, here is a diagram: 

Basically, I have a common core between two symmetrical parts and then I want to add functions on each of them.

I imagined that one part would be created by symmetry of the other part in an intermediate state.

Otherwise with symmetrical bodies in the same room but this will cause problems during the drawing.

Or a single room with two different configurations?

What do you think? What are the best methods applicable?

Thank you




You could create a "Symmetry" configuration in your "Part 1" with a Symmetry function from "Function 7" by removing the following functions, and create your "Part 2" with a part derived from "Part 1" in its "Symmetry" configuration.


After doing function 7, you symmetrize your piece by breaking the links with the first one. On the other hand, if you modify the 1 it doesn't change the 2 anymore.

On the other hand, I don't really see the point, unless it's a multi-body piece.

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Thank you for these answers!

Indeed, the goal is not to break the links with the original part.

Configuration management works. You must then create two sheets in the drawing and specify the configuration used for each view.

I find that having two separate part files with each their drawing file would be cleaner.

You can not break the link when creating "Part 2" part derived from "Part 1" in the config that goes well.

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The cleanest way would be to create a configuration of your room.

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Otherwise you create the part to be symmetrical in a different body, and then you merge your 2 bodies.

This allows you to make a symmetry of the body to be symmetrical.

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Like everyone else, creating a configue seems correct to me. But you can also classify the functions of your symmetry part in a folder to separate the functions used between the 2 parts, and have a more readable tree.

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