What are the manufacturing standards of a printed circuit board?


I like to know if there are dimensional and geometric  standards on the fixing holes and chamfers of a PCB (For mechanical designers)


Thank you



Probably the beginning of an answer here



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Everything you need to know can be found here =)


Good luck and above all happy reading!



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Unfortunately that's not what I'm looking for 

Here, on several pages, they talk about drilling diameters etc...






There is no standard for the placement of the holes, mostly the holes are 3mm in diameter and arranged at the four corners of the plate at +/- 1.5x of the diameter of the spacer,

one or more of the holes can be connected to the ground of the plate and thus to the ground of the cabinet,

There are standard sales dimensions (see radiospares exp 100x160mm) but each one adapts the surface necessary to the implantatin of the components you can end up with plates the size of an A4 sheet or more.

Only standard are the dimensions that are in inch or 10th of an inch (2.54mm) or even 100th