Question about a sketch, about placing a midpoint on SolidWorks


I have a problem about a sketch that I have to make. There is a step that I don't understand how I should do it, it's been 30 minutes, I'm stuck on it so if someone knows how I can do it could they explain to me. It's on page 6 about step number 5 on placing a midpoint that I don't understand how to do it.

1.TutoPieces2 (2).pdf (1.8 MB)

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Hello and welcome,

Have you enabled this in the SW options:

This will allow you to see the points in the center of the arcs.

Then, it's pretty well explained, click on the point, hold CTRL and click on the vertical segment and select the " coinciding " constraint.

Good luck...

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Yes, but the problem is that the point I need to click on where is it? Because on the explanations, I see that the mouse is on the left of the arc. While I don't have a midpoint there, I have one on the arc only.

Arrow misplaced on the drawing:
The point in question is the little cross...


Ah ok, I understand better now, thank you very much.

Happy to welcome you to the forum.

I hope we can help you solve a few problems.

For your request, you need to understand automatic magnetizations

In SW there are several ways to achieve a thing

1° You are in the case of a " tangent arc"
2° For your bow, the first hook point is at point 3 and it will automatically be tangent.
3° you draw the center of the arc to the left
4° At some point you will have a sign that offers to align yourself with the bottom vertical line
You'll connect the end of the arc to the bottom vertical line, except that the arc axis won't necessarily be centered on the bottom line if you don't put a constraint on the center of the arc

In the video I could have scored the arc.

Kind regards