Question rule: drivewoks


I would like to know if there is a rule under driveworks express to save the new configuration in another folder;




This is a limitation of DriveWorks Xpress. So there's no point in looking for a hidden rule/function... The feature is simply not enabled in the Xpress version.


Controlling the location of files produced by DriveWorks becomes possible from DriveWorks Solo.


The main differences between DriveWorks solutions are summarized on this page: Link


Thank you for the answer, I had finally found it.

On the other hand, in order to sort more easily in the driveworks folder, I would like to create a rule to display the following information in the file name and in this order:

NUMBER OF PLAN_le name of my default file.

I can't find the solution.

What did you end up finding??? If someone has the same problem they won't find the solution with your answer...

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I had ended up finding that it was indeed a limitation of driveworks express, it cannot save the new configuration in another folder.

However, the rule used to create the files is as follows.

For assembly: "*"& number

Here the assembly will have the plan number as the file name

For parts: "*"&number&"(part1)"

Here for the parts we will have the file name with the assembly plan number followed by the name of the part.