CATIA Optimized Copy Shortcut

Hello everyone, 

I take the liberty of coming to you because I have a very small question, to which I am sure you can answer me.

It turns out that I'm looking to shortcut an optimized copy, i.e. I would like to put it on an icon in a bar.

Thank you for your answer.



The first step is to save the optimized copy to a catalog.

Most of the time we stop there and use the default icon (the catalog path can be specified in the options).

To assign to an icon:

You have to publish the optimized copy at the catalog level (right click on it)

Then under Tools - customize:

  • Create a new toolbar (if needed).

Under the order/catalog tab

the published copy must appear

Associate an icon with the order
Drag this command into the toolbar.





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Thank you for your more than quick answer, thank you very much!!!