Keyboard shortcuts

  @Bart Your macro is nikel !!!! Thank you

We can't hide anything from you!! In bending in the workshop we unfold everything in inner dimensions, so the coef K=0.01, we don't bother to put a bending radius on the one hand because we didn't do any tests with our bending machine and in addition we would have to recalculate a coef K by thicknesses!! Laziness prevailing over the bending radii, we leave it as it is, being careful as soon as there are parts close to the spokes!

That's the why and the how! But well done anyway!!

Thank you everyone!


Looking forward to @David ;)


I made an excel with my tools, my spokes and the power needed to fold.


With these three parameters, I know how to bend to the dicith of a millimeter =)








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Waooow  !!!!!!!!!!!!


First best answer of the month !!!


Soon the 18,000 points ............................:/



Red cap!


At least you've passed a milestone: you're at 10000 points!! :) and TOP 5.


Champagne..., good apple juice that stings for the moment!

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In 10 years it should be good! ^^

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Sorry, you can't always be fast! Sometimes we are in a meeting!


It's true that you have accustomed us to much faster!! :)


This is possible with a macro

Hi hi!

You can enable/disable the midpoint filter with these two maccro.

Prerequisites: have the SW filter bar displayed (F5) and never move it.

It will be necessary to assign the maccros to keyboard shortcuts


then you will have to launch the maccro1 with the mouse cursor positioned on the icon of the filter to be selected and note the coordinates of the cursor in X and Y.

And finally you have to modify the maccro2 and replace the X and Y coordinates with the ones you noted!

I hope it can help!


and the maccro2
