O-ring groove


Could someone guide me on how to proceed to make an O-ring groove following the black line on the attachment?

Thank you in advance



Hello @ joel

hoops as I am on my phone

I hadn't seen that your line of the joint course was not clean

so make a 3D sketch

via convert the entities of your part's external profile

and a shift 

All you have to do is find a plane that intersects perpendicularly your black line that corresponds to the axis of your O-ring 

on this plan draw a circle of the outer diameter corresponds to your joint diameter with its center coinciding with your 3D sketch line

if your diameter is 1/3 at your radius of the course it goes by itself

and via material removal by scanning

That's it

@+ ;-)


Hello gt22

First of all, thank you for this precise answer.

I managed to convert the profile entities into a 3d sketch but I can't shift all the entities.

As for the removal of material in scanning, I think there will be no problem.

Kind regards


The easiest since you can't convert everything

is to make a copy of your play with another name

once done 

you create a 3D sketch by converting the entity of the outer perimeter

found a plane perpendicular to this said sketch 

on this plane, create a square with   a coincidence with your 3D sketch as its center

and as a side the thickness  of your piece

After creating a material removal

you will find yourself with the possibility to recover via a new 3D sketch and convert the entities 

Your 3D sketch in the right place 

From there, it's up to you to create a new part that will be your O-ring

and therefore be able to create your O-ring via a scan 

and appoint it as such 

then you can take this joint 

place it as it should be on your basic part, i.e. the first one to constrain it

and via combine removal 

Create your throat for this joint

It doesn't take longer to write and explain than to do it especially on such a

@+ ;-)



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2 simple sketches projected and then combined.
Then the sketch of your profile.
Sweep removal

That's it

See you soon



With my very long training, of at least... 3 days ... I don't remember seeing these functions, but thanks to you and Google, I finally succeeded.


Thank you 2 and have a good day.


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Hello J.reslinger,

If we have answered your question you must close the question with the most relevant rapunzel.

 Kind regards

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Just a small remark, remember to remove the sharp edges (especially on the cylindrical shape) otherwise the gasket may not like it and the machinist won't know how to ;)

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Thank you FUZ3D for your intervention:-)  I did remove the sharp edges but not to make it easier for the machinist ;-) but to reinforce the solidity of the parts because they will not be machined but injected. :-) 

