Bringing sheet metal closer (45° angle)

Hi all

I am trying to "bring together" the angles in order to be able to weld

As the attached photo,

Thank you in advance for your help



Have you tried the "Closed Corner" or "Welded Corner" functions?

Kind regards


Hello @ ggdagjo

Regardless of the suggestion of @Jmsavoyat (which I salute :-)  ) you will have to adapt your laser cutting because SW does not fully take into account the deformation of the material during bending. In real life, your corner won't be able to bend like this unless the sheet metal is less than 0.5 mm thick.

This can be seen in the mini flaw you have in the image you posted.

Your folders will remark on you anyway so you might as well anticipate.

Good luck :-)



a little trick; You can edit the sketch of your 1st fold of the return and put the sketch at 45° (just break the horizontality or verticality of the segment which goes to 45°) as in your screen print. That way you don't have an extra function cluttering up your creation tree...


To illustrate the information of @ac cobra 427


Hi Zozo_mp,

I don't have a problem with the lasers.

Look when you edit your unfolded state 1 you have the corner options and if the corner processing box is checked; you have to uncheck it and your developments will be closer to reality.  


Ok Thank you ac cobra 427   Great info!

Often I modify the laser cutting but I'm going to try your method, it's simpler and above all reproducible.
My problem appears especially beyond 4mm thick.

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With us we control like this up to the thickness of 15mm

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I'm in the same situation, Ac cobra you make a fold on edge that you modify into a sketch and then you repeat it?

I tried with the sheet metal function closed corner but it doesn't work, any ideas?




Hello Laser07,

In fact I made it from the standard pieces in my library, so I did it on the 4 folds. If you do it once and save the piece to the library, you will just have to open it and edit it and then save it as.